Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Revolution of Agriculture

 It seems Farmers around the world are fighting against the cabal of technocratic who wanted to take over their land , all these have origin in Nazi Germany like Bayer.

It took to the extreme moments when  Indian Farmer's started protest and many miscreant entered the protest, no body is seeing the bigger picture.

We will take Republic of India as case study and try to make it resistance to such technocracy. 

Solution is to make Cooperative Societies of Farmer and make that society a company in Every district , this society will responsible for exporting and distributing produce, not only farmer will get share of the company but can sell his produce to bypass middle man.

Farms shall be encouraged to use solar power for water pump and other energy need , large talab shall be made to harvest large  amount of rainfall that India receives , it not only will help to recharge our water table but will ensure water safety to farmer , combining modern agriculture technique with traditional organic farming.

Organization must be made by Union of Gram Panchayat , hiring people as expert in soil testing , guidance in organic farming, organizing seminars for farmer, setting up drip irrigation system for farmer,collecting biomass for bio fuel like 2nd Generation Ethanol and BioCNG,Providing sapling of trees,free distribution of Native Non-GMO Hybrid as well as Non-Hybrid seeds of native vegetable species.

Half of Indian foreign exchange is utilized just to import pollution causing dangerous fossil fuel , just imagine that money goes to small companies and farmers , it is totally possible.  Bamboo can be grown in large quantity to provide enough biomass to produce BioEthanol , BioCNG , Diesel and Gasoline , not only it will make Indian people rich and improve their life style , it will make India energy independent. Syngas made from Bamboo can be converted into Diesel and Gasoline using Fisher-Tropsch or IH2 process, Syngas can be converted into Green Hydrogen.We will talk about energy plan on other blog article. 

Government incentive shall be provided to those who willing to do Organic farming thus making sure most farmer takes Organic Farming seriously, otherwise they will fall in trap of big chemical industries. Policy decision must be taken to ensure use of bio agents like Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria , Phosphate Diluting Bacteria , Humic Acid , SeaWeed extract and so on. 

Argo-forestry must  be proactively supported through out country not only save our ecology but also to become independent from timbre export , close 500 billion rupee worth of timbre is bought from foreign nation , wasting foreign exchange on essential raw material, Increase in aggro-forestry will end  illegal logging by making sure timbre is taken from Aggro-Forestry based cooperative societies , it will make our farmer rich and ending ecological devastation of deforestation. Rule will be 10% land of Aggro-Forester reserved as artificial forest, people will see large scale improvement in air quality , decrease in airborne diseases. 

Forest not only include just mono culture of  Timbre trees but mix of fruit trees will be mixed like high profit and low investment crops like Avocado,jack fruit,Orange,custard Apple,Gooseberry,Mint,orange,Lemon,variousspices,grapes,strawberry,blackberry,chestnut,almond,black pepper,coconut ,Areca nut ,turmeric , cocoa , coffee etc.

India imports close to 400 crore rupees worth of agarbatti bamboo sticks as per government  estimate , imagine these money going to our farmers and MSME ,  and this amount of foreign exchange used on high tech commodity , funding research etc. 

As per statista , India imported 91.86 Billion rupee worth of Paper pulp and waste paper into India, these can be substituted with much safer alternative grown in India like Bamboo and Hemp pulp. 

As per trendeconomy, Sunflower seed import by India  is around $367 Billion , this can be solved by rotational farming in India, improving soil quality and saving ground water.

As per seair , $9748 million is spent on terrible health hazard called Palm Oil , India wastes money on health hazard , this can be replaced with Sunflower oil and Rice bran oil , Rice bran must not be wasted rather used to make cooking oil and  by product after oil extraction can be used to grow nutritious mushrooms. India is importing highest amount of Palm oil and creating health hazard through out the country.  What kind of Joke is that to Public Health?

Considering public health concern, all chemical pesticide shall be banned once for all. Neem oil is more than enough with Bio agents like Trichoderma Viridi,Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Beauveria Bassiana etc. Our Desi seeds are very much tolerant to most vector caused diseases. Complain is that they are slightly lower yielding but by combining modern irrigation technique , and vertical farming result will be mind blowing.  Useful fungus like Micorhiza helps in more efficient intake of nutrients from soil. Net house will be veru great to protect insect prone plants like Tomatoes and Brinzal , with vertical farming , result will be huge amount of production with Zero insecticide.

Fungus like Metarhizium Anisopliae, Beauveria Bassiana, Verticillium Lecanii and many other fungi which causes a disease known as the white muscadine in insects controlled insects naturally and acted as natural pesticide before introduction of chemical pesticide and fungicide , which killed these beneficial fungi which resulted in mass destruction of ecology in fields of India , which once was alive , soil was living unlike today , where soil is inorganic in nature. 

India producing more grain crops which are essential but so much more than we need to feed ourselves or export , wasting millions of tons in silos, India must start moving 1/2 of its requirement from grains to Lentils , by 2034 Indian must replace half of their grain consumption with lentils , Protein deficiency among people causing public health crisis, wasting water on growing water hungry crop like Rice out of season. 

In Delhi NCR region, every year  burning of crop residue causes massive fog and all sorts of health related problem , Politician blame such event to one day Diwali Celebration rather fixing the root cause of the problem, these very biomass can be used to make 2G Ethanol and Bio-CNG and growing  Mushroom, 70% for Fuel and 30% for Mushroom will remove food vs fuel proposition , rather help to gain more food. By product of Ethanol and CNG plant , mushroom farm can be used as manure for fields rather wasting and destroying soil and air. It will add extra profit in pocket of our farmer.  This will result in return of micro nutrient to soil

 Mixing mono-cots plant with di-cots to improve soil strength and reduce weeds significantly like Moth Beans with Turmeric,Banana etc, not only that Moth Beans help to fix Nitrogen into the soil and keeping soil loose so that more turmeric or ginger grow, in middle  mahogany or teak trees can be grown with bananas , such ecosystem building way of farming is way forward.Such ways of doing things will make profit of farmer not only 6 to 10 times but it will quantum leap in living standard of living standard in rural population. To do these things autonomy is most important which can come only from decentralization of power. 

Middle man sab kha jata hai , neither producer gets any nor consumer, these can be fixed very easily by making produce as fresh and consumer direct. Starting temporary farmer markets in every village and town where farmers themselves can come and sell their least produced crops.

Mushroom farms will be setup up in panchayat level where shares will only belong to farmers , people will be employed like trained biologist and local youth under cooperative society. These organization will work to produce large scale mushroom by utilizing excess biomass. Rice/wheat husk/straw will be sterilized using lime , solar water heater with out using any chemical. We will grow paddy straw mushroom , oyes-tar mushroom ,lion's mane mushroom ,button mushroom , milky mushroom etc. *When Growth Medium is completely exhausted , a special machine will be used to mix it with neem oil cake to make best Organic fertilizer thus making every village Aatma Nirbhar. This will also allow food security through out country. Mushroom have impressive health benefits that allows Japanese and other East Asian to live very long healthy life.

Energy independence is key to archive economic freedom from West and West led mafia coalition like IMF and World Bank.  Asia and Asian must wake up , to Western values and western hegemony, Asia and Asian people are existential threat. Petrodollar and Sterling is key to their unlimited fund the war machine, once you de-fund it , and de-valuate it ,their will be no way for cabal to run.

An Alliace of South East , Central and South West Asia is essential to dethrone western hegemony once for and all. 

China's communist party is sold out to western hegemonic forces. 

Amount of waste water released by household in  India can be harnessed in community level, then treated in bio filter canals[connected in district level] [planted with Water Hyacinth] then treated in local solar powered water treatment  plant to grow hemp and bamboo, to make ethanol , Biodiesel and Gasoline [IH2 Process], BioLNG, BioPropane , and Water Hyacinth can also be used as feed stock for BioLNG and BioCNG. These canals will also receive water from Industries and small factories treated already in their facility. Processed Water can also feed our human made forest.

India have huge coastline , it can be exploited to grow fast growing Kelp Sea weed which can be used to replace chemical fertilizer , make BioFuel , revitalize soil with Iodine and micro nutrient.Ethanol is fuel of future , Sugar Kelp can go through both 1G and 2G process.

We must stop burning crop residue and start using it to fuel 2G Ethanol industry , infact India can become bio recycling hub along with allied partners.

When a district or locality has moved completely to Organic or Pesticide free farming , local communities can come together to form a bee keeping farm under Cooperative society in state level to produce honey and India can become largest producer of organic farming. This bees will pollinate fruits and vegetable thus ensuring drastic improvement in yield. Bees can be introduced in Net houses to help fruits and vegetable. 

Time has come folks to make our farming community rich and cut profit of Middle East Oil Cartel.





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