Thursday, February 24, 2022

New Slave Order: Anglo Saxon and new British empire

 Taken from our upcoming book , Covid Bio war failed , Plan b of three front war , Russia Ukraine , Indo Pacific and Middle East [Israel Iran] on plan now


Dibya-Ra: I thought NWO is conspiracy theory, tell me more how dark Alien’s are involved in this business,

Rudrashnu: It is reality, they are making plans to take away all human rights from human. Sars COV2 is preciously part of the plan, we used our stardust technology to target the virus and weaken it under permission of our elders, Omicron is result of that.

SARS COV2 is artificially mutated version of SARS initially made in NIH of USA, then transferred to Wuhan Institute of Virology by Eco Health Alliance run by Pentagon, Purpose was precisely to wipe out 60% population of China and get rid of Trump guy who didn’t fulfil some demand of deep state when got into power, the war with Russia. Problem is that to you all, the technology used to mutate this virus is provided by slave race of Orion based Galactic Federation of Darkness, you call them grey alien. These Grey beings are result of a dark timeline of Earth where NWO succeeded. They were funding Wuhan lab , and some Pentagon agent inside China made sure to spread it.

Isn’t it feels weird how exactly it came after 100yrs of Spanish Flu? Which is again a RNA virus.

Comment: As claimed by us , It is a 4D Virus uses exoskeleton RNA replicator, It is yet not have been isolated as single strain of whole Virion and claims made are false. Stay inside home or isolate to remote village, neither mask nor fake vaccine can prevent. It is very much alien in origin , humans are not capable of isolating it yet but it doesn’t mean the virus doesn’t exists. [ Reference : A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019 – The New England Journal of Medicine ]

Dibya-Ra: Was CCP involved?

Rudrashnu:  I advise not to involve in worldly politics but it happens without knowledge of CCP, Why China will try to kill their own people in middle of their economic rise? When they themselves facing demographic crisis, if I am not wrong, in your timeline they introduced 3 Child policy.


Dibya-Ra: How they will use Virus to impose NWO?
Rudrashnu: Couple of ways , first using gene therapy of mRNA and DNA as Vaccine , not only they are using it for spike protein conversion , these spike proteins will mutate DNA of the recipient , after 7 booster doses , their offspring will look lot close to grey aliens, once that start happening , controlled medical community will declare it as medical catastrophe , evil pharma industry will again some gene therapy in name of fixing it and result in unveiling trans human agenda , they will say only option to fix such children will be to put artificial sensors ,limbs , microchip so on. Secondly such torture will wipe out maximum people on the planet.

Another option they considering is starting a war, a three front to be honest in South China Sea & Indo-Pacific, Eastern part of Russia, Iranian front of middle east. They want to make it so devastating for world that Rockefeller and Rothschild including Royal Family of England want to make excuse that human run country will always cause war so human must rule by AI and chips shall be installed on human brain thus establishing One World Government. There will be no private property. Everyone will run out of Arms and ammunition thus no way to defend any country from such agenda.

Space X Starlink and Metaverse is precisely the same plan , Starlink uses low altitude satellite to transmit 60Ghz and above frequency , not only it will damage human cell but block DNA healing rays from Central Sun Ra so that evil Ashura can stay here forever , awakening humans are big threat to them , they could put brain implants and VR googles to replace current beneficial 2D internet with 3D Metaverse , Precisely not only to censor data but also to merge Artificial Intelligence with Organic reality thus taking humanity to terrible timeline. Once this pandemic, they will continue the lockdown in name of climate change to force people to move to metaverse to get back into real world. The inventor of Bitcoin Sirius A star seed and pioneers of blockchain are from Sirius B, these were introduced by them to replace central banking and bring freedom back to people. Metaverse will use same tech but put a draconian central banking system controlled by Elite. Classic Ashura trick to invert good into evil.

Comment: Bypassing the banks of countries and putting digital dollar or digital yuan as the currency. War is happening , whether American Empire or Chinese Empire want to become centre of NWO.

Another agenda is staging a fake alien invasion and then showing Marduk and gangster as saviour of human, and crown him as king of world in Vatican, Why NATO is guarding middle east? OIL , come one their further agenda , much sinister , when Portal open partially in Iraq during end of the Century for few minutes , they want Marduk in. Global Deep State and greys are mass producing UFO to stage invasion, during pandemic you might have noticed high rise in UFO sighting. Sirian and Pleiadean don’t need craft made of metal, we can travel to you in no time using light body which can create a craft around us anytime.



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