Straight to business
Drip irrigation is essential to follow either of this method, drip kits are now cheap so dont make excuses , drip saves water and prevent water wastage , washing of top soil.
Macro Nutrient: NPK:
During soil preparation , add manure lots of it , don't throw or burn your crop residue , add them to soil
NPK is major nutrient for your plant,
if you are willing to go full organic:
here for you,
Nitrogen: Compost/Manure
Phosphorus: Rock Phosphate
Potassium: Potash Muriate
every 21 days , provide roots with Azotobactor Chroococum so that nitrogen fixation continues ,via drip irrigation, use 2 to 3 ml per litre
If you see no result , try giving Potash and Phosphorus Solubilizing bacteria.
People fine with Chemical fertilizer:
go for water soluble fertilizer , like NPK 19:19:19 when foliage is growing and use just 2 to 3gm/litre, provide your plant every 21 days.
every 21 days , provide roots with Azotobactor Chroococum so that
nitrogen fixation continues ,via drip irrigation, use 1 ml per
dilute mono-potassium phosphate 2gm/litre during flowering and fruiting phase via drip every 21days.
Micro Nutrients: [Dont use in organic farming]
These are essential for strong plant immunity
Iron[Fe]: Most important of micro-nutrients , many leaf disease may look like fungal but are due to lack of Iron , use 6% Chelated iron supliment , 1 to 2g/litre in drip system every 40days,
Essential Micro nutrient supplement : get micro-nutrient supplement with Mg,Ca,Zn,Cu,B,Mo,Co , make sure EDTA chelated , use 1g/litre of water and give it every 40days.
Bio Stimulants:
Seaweed Extract: Use 1 to 3ml per litre over drip every 11days , these seaweed contain plant hormones that makes plants grow more roots, flower and produce more leaves further enhances immunity in plants.
Humic/Fulvic Acid: use 2 to 3g/litre , Fulvic acid and Humic acid , these compounds increase nutrient intake ,drought tolerance , water infiltration , aeration, chelating minerals.
Keep these two product , for small scale or home growing of veggies is enough.
If you a commercial farmer , you can look at organic fruiting hormones that helps in fruiting and flower thus improving yield by 20 to 40% , Chaste Berry and Goose Berry based extracts works as miracle.You can use natural rooting hormones too for faster robust root development.
Part -III we will talk about seeds , why we must avoid GMO? where to get seeds in India?